Shannon Wallis - (250) 372-5327
Maryanne Bower - (778) 257-1442
​Bobbie Harrison - (250) 377-4291



In the Fall of 2014, Shannon Wallis had read about the 100 Women Who Care movement in the Globe and Mail.  She mentioned the article to her friends, Bobbie Harrison and Maryanne Bower.  We all fell in love with the model and simplicity of the 100 Women Who Care movement and knew that it would be a great fit for Kamloops.  

After researching other chapters and sharing our vision for a home-grown chapter, our inaugural meeting was held in November of 2014, one of the first chapters in British Columbia.

Thank you very much to the 100 Women Who Care Halifax Chapter for your advice and guidance as we established our Chapter of 100 women who truly do care!

reach out

"As both a member of 100 Women Who Care and working with the BCSPCA (May 2018 recipient), the 100 Women Who Care make a huge positive impact in our community.  The networking of women doing great things in Kamloops and area inspires me and I am grateful to participate in this great group!"
     - Lisa Fuller

Join Us

hope in action

 our chapter founders

Our goal is to support the wonderful non-profit and charitable organizations that work at the grassroots level in Kamloops and the surrounding area.  

We don't stop at 100 Women -- we welcome as many members as we can get!  The more women who become involved, the greater the impact we will have on those who live, work and play in our communities.  Join us and experience that magical feeling of knowing that you directly impacted the lives of many who live in our community! 

Being a member of 100 Women Who Care Kamloops is rewarding -- personally and for our communities in the TNRD. Meeting like-minded women, networking AND helping a local charity all in one night?  What could be better, right?  

Hop on over to the "Make a Difference" page at the top of this website to register as a member and join us at our next meeting.


for the future

Driving grassroots awareness and encouraging others to get involved is important to us. 

Our goal is to support the wonderful non-profit and charitable organizations that work at the grassroots level in the Thompson Nicola Regional District (TNRD).  There are so many groups that are working to make our communities better, healthier, stronger places to live that don't get all the funding they need to achieve their operating goals.

Work with members in our community to make a difference in the lives of many!

100 Women Who Care Kamloops raises funds to support non-profit charities in the Thompson Nicola Regional District.

Our donations have supported organizations that are devoting their energies to passionately advocating for and helping the hungry, needy, and those with a serious health crisis. 


those in need

100 Women Who Care Kamloops

One day in 2006 during a business lunch in Jackson, Michigan, an off-handed comment was made and Karen Dunigan decided to take action.  She understood that this challenge would be too large to complete on her own, so she invited others to join her.

Karen found it interesting that one of her greatest ideas was born from something as simple and basic as baby cribs. During the lunch meeting with executive leadership from the Center for Family Health, the Center’s CEO mentioned a need she learned about at a staff meeting earlier that morning regarding new mothers and portable cribs. Karen’s ears perked and she told the CEO that would be something she would like to know more about and another lunch was scheduled to specifically discuss the need.

During the follow-up lunch, details were shared on how new mothers were bringing their babies home and placing the sleeping infants in boxes, dresser drawers, or on their own beds because they could not afford a proper crib. Some of these babies didn’t survive the night. 

Karen began thinking about the Centre's need and knew she needed to act quickly.  Karen utilized her network and knew she could call on 10 people to each write $1000 cheques.  She also thought it would be possible to call on 100 friends that would be willing to each give $100 towards this very worthy cause.  She began making phone calls and scheduled a meeting.

At that first meeting, in an hour, a group of Karen's friends heard the story and each wrote cheques for Family Health, resulting in a donation of $12,800.  That donation was more than enough to supply these new mothers with the basic need of a crib for their babies.

We want to be part of a community that believes in the spirit of giving.  Kamloops has a long and proud history of being a caring community that has fantastic, engaged citizens -- we also have great needs that aren't being met by private and public funding.  There are so many incredible, hard-working organizations that stretch every penny and every volunteer hour they can get to support our growing city.

At 100 Women Who Care Kamloops, we encourage our members to "lean in" to giving back. We know that everyone gives back in their own way -- some of us have time, others skills.  Our members are able to give back financially.

We encourage everyone to lean in by donating $100 every three months ($400 annually), and if they find an organization they click with, to start leaning in and volunteer their time or skills.

find your inner power

Click here to register.

Our Mission

​​​​​​​OVER $362,000 raised and climbing!

Meetings are held at Nandi's Kitchen and Bar, 340 Victoria Street.  Check-in begins at 5:00pm, with the meeting beginning at 5:30pm.

2024 Meeting Dates
Monday, February 5, 2024
Monday, May 6, 2024
Monday, August 26, 2024 (NOTE:  Meeting will be in the TNRD Boardroom at 5th Ave & Vic. Streets)
Monday, November 4, 2024

 our history starts here

Karen recognized that she was onto something special and 100 Women Who Care was founded.

Karen Dunigan passed away in 2014, but her legacy lives on and there are now more than 900 Chapters throughout the world that are either fully operational or under development and they include women, men,  people, children, and teens.

Karen saw people for their strengths and realized that when 100+ people come together in a room, each person becomes a powerful force for doing good work while lifting up the community.  We are all strong in our own right, but together we are stronger!  Karen knew this, applauded it, and was so proud of 100 Women Who Care.

To learn more about the history behind this movement, visit the 100 Who Care Alliance.


 our chapter beginnings

Changing our community for the better, one woman and one dollar at a time!